Sunday, April 3, 2011

New month, New goals...

...for real this time.  

So I didn't post yesterday like I said I would, because I was lazy.  That's it.  Pure and simple.  Its a trend I'm trying to overcome this year, as you might've picked up if you've been reading this blog.  

Last month was less than stellar for meeting my goal.  I made it through two weeks of the couch to 5k plan and then got sick and am feeling almost back to 100%.  So I'm starting that over at week two tomorrow.  Hopefully by this time next month I'll be ready to start week six of the program.  I have lost like 6 pounds this month, though most of that happened when I was sick. But it's progress all the same!

That is goal one for the month.  Goal two is to write on my story during the weekends.  Its been hard to discipline myself into doing something creative when I wake up and want to do nothing on my days off.  The attached image shows what Word shows me right now when I load my story.  It told me just a second ago that I have over 245k characters in the document.  I was wanting to be done with the story by now and on to another one, but no, Laziness strikes again!!  (BTW, that's single spaced small font, which is why the page count might seem low.)

Along with that goal, I'm setting a newly daily goal of 1500 words.  Combine that with the weekend writing and I'll double my weekly output and hopefully finish the story before the end of April.  I think to enforce this though I am going to have to work on a rewards system.  Such as, if I want to fire up the xbox, I'll have to have my word count finished.  It should be fairly simple thing to do, 1000 words comes pretty quickly now and once 1500 becomes simple I can jump up from there.  

And my fourth goal for the fourth month of this year is to mud and tape the sun room.  My dad might be coming for easter, so that would be a nice incentive to getting that done.

A taller order than previously, but I think I can reach them or die trying, which is really the important part of any goal...

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