Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Things I've enjoyed reading...

I think I might start making lists of 'things' on wednesdays...I'm not sure how creative I can be in doing this, but it might be fun.  Feel free to recommend a 'thing' you might like me to list.

This is not an all encompassing list of things I've read, but a few of the standouts (in no particular order) in the fiction realm...
  • Sphere by Michael Crichton-  I'm not a huge Crichton fan but I've read several of his books and i have to say none of them captured me like Sphere did.  I read the entire thing in a day which is no small feat if you read as slow as I do.
  • Chronicles of Narnia-  These are the very first books I ever read, if you don't count bernstein bears and company. I read them in seventh grade and devoured them.  I loved them.  They are the only books I've ever re-read.
  • To Kill a mocking Bird by Lee Harper-  This is another one of those I read in one sitting.  It was an assignment for class. I was suppose to read the first chapter. I laid down at night and nearly forgot the assignment.  Grabbed the book before going to sleep and forgot to fall to sleep.  It was done and then I bombed every quiz on the book because I couldn't remember all the little details in each chapter that the teacher quizzed us on to make sure we read it.
  • Drizzt Do'Urden series of novels by R.A. Salvatore- The Narnia books were what lit the flame that is my interest in books.  The Salvatore Forgotten Realm books are what fanned that flame.
  • Mars by Ben Bova  Loved this book.  It is the best imagined piece of fiction on what it would take to get to mars and what it might be like that I've found.  Of course I've tried reading Bova's other books and he seems to get on this anti-God, pro-environmental kick that gets boring and redundant in all the other books.  Even in the second book in this series he seems to forget the characters that were crafted in the first and then gets bent on propoganda that further's his own agenda.  I'm not knocking him for his beliefs. I just don't like re-reading them in every single book.  Its kinda like having multiple stories with the exact same character and conflict, only with a different name and scenery. 
  • The Traveler series by John Twelve Hawks-  It feels kinda like the matrix, but in a good way.  fun and entertaining just like I like my books.  These are also the most recent books I've read so the freshest in my mind.
  • The Time Machine- its the original time travel book by the guy who termed the phrase Time Machine!  I love time travel stories...usually.  This one didn't let me down.  It doesn't hurt that my mom introduced me to the original movie when I was a kid and between that and the original War of the Worlds, I found my passion for Sci-Fi.

These were just the books that were easy to think of because they are the ones that still stick out in my mind.  I am about twenty pages from finishing a book....Do you have any recommendations?

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