Tuesday, January 11, 2011


It felt like a horribly day.  Woke up and just in a bad funk.  Got to work an hour early and the only thing I looked forward to was getting off earlier in the day.  I packed my bag and headed out the door.  Jumped in my truck and turned the key and click click click!  The battery was dead!  blegh!

One of my officemates asked me to give him a jump a couple weeks ago, but unfortunately I didn't have jumper cables at the time because I was driving my car.  But there are always cables in my truck and I asked him if I could get a jump from him.  He gladly accepted.  I think the whole truck thing actually made me feel better about my day.  I got it home and in the garage so I can test the battery and yank it if I need to.  But that is a job for another day...like the day after tomorrow, since tomorrow DaNae and I are catching a movie she really wanted to see after I get off work, while her folks watch our little monkey girl.

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