Thursday, January 13, 2011

do centaurs tie their own shoes?

I easily get off track and distracted.  I'm far from disciplined, and motivation leaves me rather quickly.  And then failure always follows.  And with failure, just a desire to give up, quit, run away.  I look back and think about the many failures in my life, whether they are relationships, goals, or just some miscellaneous project that didn't get done.  And through it all, my life has still wound up being pretty, freaking amazing! 

I have an amazing wife (seriously she is amazing, I've done one load of laundry since we've been married and she's faithfully made me lunch everyday for work for over 2 years now, and those are just two of the thousands of things that make her amazing).  An awesome daughter, I think she has to be the most mellow baby in existence, probably gets it from her papa! I have a job, even though some days I hate it and would rather clean toilets at a truck stop than deal with the bureaucracy of it all.  But I have great insurance (I'm thinking about having more kids just so I feel like I'm getting a better deal on the family plan), four weeks of paid vacation accrued each year (with another 6 weeks saved up that I carry over each year), over 700 hours of sick leave saved up so that when I start having fingers growing out of my head because some science experiment goes bad in the lab, I can take paid time off to get them taken off, unless I want to keep them and just get the nails done.  Three vehicles, and we've never had more than one of them not working at any single time.  I have more money in the bank than I have had at any point in my life (other than during that season of time we were saving up for the down payment on our house).  Life is great. 

In the midst of all that I still get bitter at life.  I still get a crappy attitude.  I still get angry at stupid things.  I still find myself envious of others.  I still fail and get frustrated at myself, even though grace has ruled my life for so long.

And that's what I have to remind myself of...Grace.  I failed yesterday.  I got bored at work and started surfing the internet before 5.  And rather than beating myself up for something I knew I would fail at eventually, I gave myself grace and started anew today.  Its hard.  Its hard to get past the thought that I'll never change.  Its hard to experience grace in the midst of failure.  Its hard to start anew with hope. 

But today I do.  I know life is sweet and if its not, its because I'm flinging my bitter garbage around.  Its time to mature, and believe that I can...

p.s.  we watched the voyage of the dawn treader yesterday, and I had the question, that I posed as the title for this post, pop into my head as I watched the minotaur walk around.  hmmm..

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