Monday, January 10, 2011

Christmas is finally over!

I love real trees, but hate the stupid needles.  We didn't do gifts until last night after dinner, because we waited until DaNae's parents could arrive.  DaNae insisted that we keep the tree up even though her mom assured her it would be ok to take it down.  And today it came down!  It shed more than a dead cat, but I made it out the back door and into a foot of snow without it dropping all its needles.  SO we actually had a white christmas a couple weeks late.

Now the festivities are done and I don't have to worry about the stress-monger that is Christmas!  I don't mind it so much but sometimes the expectations of presents is more bothersome than its worth.  I really enjoy getting gifts for people I know well and know that they will really enjoy, but at some point it gets hard when you live so far from the people you are buying for.  Nieces and nephews grow up quickly and their tastes do too.  Between that and a baby arriving, it was easier for everyone involved to just give gift cards, the impersonal gift.  The only gift we gave that wasn't was a digital camera to DaNae's parents.  We spent most of the morning playing with it while I also helped DaNae's dad do some upkeep and upgrading on his laptop.  It was enjoyable, but I didn't get any writing done until now which is fine to me since I hadn't planned on getting much done while entertaining guests.  I'll be back off to work in the morning, hopefully on clear roads, and may just have to invest in a snow shovel on the way home....

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