Sunday, January 2, 2011

down with failure...

One goal for the new year is to write on a daily basis.  Now I'm not normally one of these people who makes new years resolutions, I usually think that if I find something in my life that needs changing I should just go ahead and make the change when I discover it!  SO setting a goal for the new year gives me something to shoot for. 

So this goal is simple and will hopefully be something I can achieve.  All I have to do is write something each day.  It can be a blog, a real letter to someone, journal some thoughts or continue writing one of my stories which I've neglected for a couple years.  And here it is 9pm and I haven't written anything yet and I stand on the verge of the precipice of failure yet again in my life.  Now if I miss a day its no big deal.  If I miss ten days, well I'm really no worse off then before. But this is something I want to do and I want to succeed. 

Tomorrow's goal on top of my daily writing is to journal my activities and see how much time I waste on watching television or playing games or doing both.  Maybe if I can see the time actually spent it'll be easier making a change.  Change is what its really all about....

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