Saturday, January 8, 2011

Cooing, Pooing and Insulating...

I sit here feeling itchy after spending some time putting up insulation in the sun room.  It feels good to be somewhat productive today.  I got up this morning and finished the book of Luke, then ate breakfast and then wrote for a little while.  I actually scratched out about 1000 words on one of my stories.

Honestly I have to confess that I lied the other day.  I mentioned that I had 3 stories started, and in fact I had forgotten about a fourth one.  Its about a boy Named Earl that is later nicknamed Mad Mearl.  His mom is afraid of him and thinks he has alien roots.  The kids at his school think he is loco de la cabasa, and his new best friend actually turns out to be the crazy one.

Anyways, I'm thinking that maybe if I can finish the sun room I can escape to there to write so my wife doesn't ask me what I was planning to do when I'm already doing what I was planning to do.  Either that or I might have to start escaping to the basement.  Its easier writing when I can't hear the chatter, though it is nice listening to my daughter coo while I peck this out.  Hopefully the poo will wait til later...

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